about Snd (was Re: [linux-audio-dev] new apple platform viability)

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Subject: about Snd (was Re: [linux-audio-dev] new apple platform viability)
From: Dave Phillips (dlphilp_AT_bright.net)
Date: Fri Jul 21 2000 - 20:06:29 EEST

Someone wrote:
> >just a question related to Snd:
> >is it possible to show the show the moving playback pointer during play ?

And then Paul Barton-Davis wrote:

> it is. you need to set a guile variable. its name eludes me right now.

Actually you need only press Ctrl when you click on the Play button. You
can change the cross-hairs cursor to a tracking vertical line by adding
this code to your ~/.snd file:

(define set-sound-cursor
  (lambda (snd shape)
  (do ((j 0 (1+ j)))
     ((= j (channels snd)) #f)
     (set-cursor-style shape snd j))))

     (add-hook! start-playing-hook
     (lambda (snd) (if (cursor-follows-play snd) (set-sound-cursor snd
     (add-hook! stop-playing-hook
     (lambda (snd) (set-sound-cursor snd cursor-cross)))

It's very nice. Study the examples.scm file for more fun...
> snd is an awesome program. its problems for me aren't in the areas
> that Benno is worrying about - these are easy to solve or are
> non-issues in real-life. instead, my concerns have to do with the GUI,
> which is extremely useful for an emacs user and seasoned snd user, and
> very unhelpful to a novice. lots of incredible features are only
> available by typing Guile/Scheme expressions. etc.

I agree. I'd love to see someone's config that made all that CLM stuff
available from a drop-down menu. Anyone ???

Best regards,

== Dave Phillips


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