Re: [linux-audio-dev] MTC, SMPTE, etc.

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] MTC, SMPTE, etc.
From: Maarten de Boer (
Date: Fri Jul 21 2000 - 21:54:27 EEST

Would the following API be acceptable for everybody?
If we agree on this, it's a matter of minuts of putting
the actual decoding code in place.
/* Name: SMPTE Decoder
   Version: 0.1
   Author: Maarten de Boer <>
   License: GPL

/* Raw 80 bit SMPTE frame
typedef struct SMPTEFrame
} SMPTEFrame;

/* Extended SMPTE frame
   position is the position of the end of the SMPTE frame in the incoming
   sample stream, feeded to SMPTEDecoderWrite
typedef struct SMPTEFrameExt
        SMPTEFrame base;
        int position;
} SMPTEFrameExt

typedef struct SMPTETime
        unsigned char hours;
        unsigned char mins;
        unsigned char secs;
        unsigned char frame;
} SMPTETime;

typedef struct SMPTEDecoder;
        int sampleRate;
        int fps;

        SMPTEFrameExt* queue;
        int queueSize;
        int queueReadPos;
        int queueWritePos;

        int position;

        /* ... other internal variables needed by low level decoding
           functions ... */
} SMPTEDecoder;

/* Initialize the decoder. Pass sample rate, number of smpte frames per
   seconds, and the size of the internal queue where decoded frames are
int SMPTEDecoderInit(
        SMPTEDecoder* decoder, int sampleRate, int fps,int queueSize);

/* Feed the SMPTE decoder with new samples. Returns 1 on success
int SMPTEDecoderWrite(
        SMPTEDecoder* decoder, unsigned char* buf,int size);

/* All decoded SMPTE frames are placed in a queue. This function gets
   a frame from the queue, and stores it in SMPTEFrameExt* frame.
   Returns 1 on success, 0 when no frames where on the queue, and
   and errorcode otherwise.
int SMPTEDecoderRead(
        SMPTEDecoder* decoder,SMPTEFrameExt* frame);

/* Convert the frame to time in milliseconds. This uses the
   position of the end of the frame related to the sample-time
   to compensate jitter.
int SMPTEDecoderFrameToMillisecs(
        SMPTEDecoder* decoder,SMPTEFrameExt* frame);

/* Convert a raw SMPTE frame to a more pleasant struct
int SMPTEDecoderConvertFrame(SMPTEFrame* frame, SMPTETime* smpteTime);

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