Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] MTC, SMPTE, etc.
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Sun Jul 23 2000 - 20:58:04 EEST
>>>i.e. approx. 0.5 ms
>> but still pretty weak as a timebase for positioning an audio stream, eh ?
>This is possibly getting a bit off-topic - but IIRC the ability to
>synchronise to such an analogue stream is really only limited by the SNR in
>the input stream (whether that is related to the source, recording medium
>jitter or just loss of SNR in 'transmission'.)
Yes, sure, but I was really trying to emphasize "positioning". You can
certainly *sync* with SMPTE using a PLL, but you can't specify the
position in the audio stream with much accuracy using SMPTE.
Despite this, many h/w and s/w interfaces use SMPTE or MTC to specify
position as well as syncing.
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