status of linux studio [was:Re: [linux-audio-dev] testing the waters]

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Subject: status of linux studio [was:Re: [linux-audio-dev] testing the waters]
From: Jörn Nettingsmeier (
Date: Tue Jun 27 2000 - 00:00:10 EEST

Paul Barton-Davis wrote:
> ps. it seems to self-promoting, but in terms of a "who are you" ...

> * Recording studio Linux consultant
> Building the world's first (?) all-linux pro studio

hello paul !

you already mentioned this some while ago, iirc.
how is it going ?
do you/does your employer have a website with further information ?

the idea of an all-linux studio is just *too nice* to mention it
only in passing, and it might have considerable advertising value
for linux audio in general (not only in sweet-talking linus into

likely i'm not the only one interested in the following facts:

* what hardware is used ? (smp experiences ? i recall a dual p3 on

* what is the current kernel that works for you ?

* do you soft-raid ?

* how are things connected (all in one box, ethernet, or scsi
between hosts, or firewire, or...) ?

* are outboard controllers used (you talked about this fader box of
yours...) ?

* any means of controlling midi gear from the box (seqs, fx's, ...)
? (xphat here ?)

* is there pro standalone gear that connects nicely to the linux box
(like the mackie hdr ?)

* has it already been used for demo productions [i'm assuming it's
not ready for paying customers yet,
but it would be ever so cool to have an all-linux demo single :) put
it on the lad page as an mp3, and we'd all have a light to follow.]

this is not to press you, paul, i'm aware that you are the only guy
who's working at this huge task. plus writing the drivers !
but it might serve as a shining example of what can be done
(although it still seems to call for a full-fledged unix hacker to
operate and debug it) if things work out.
i'd really like to see the news roaring all over slashdot and the
rest of the world news: "tux for the charts: first all-linux audio
production released." (now tell your employer to mpeg it, put up a
website and sell just a few ad banners... and of course talk major
distros into including it as a demo, again with a thanks to your
employer [maybe he'll hire someone to help you??:])

wow, i would never have imagined there's a marketing wizard lurking
in my bosom :-D.
[oh well, if i look at my coding ability, i'd better become a suit
anyhow !]



Jörn Nettingsmeier     
Kurfürstenstr. 49        
45138 Essen, Germany

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