Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Quasimodo (Was: Re: LADSPA GUI)
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: pe maalis 10 2000 - 17:02:19 EST
>There are complete java and gnu C grammars for ANTLR (a parser
>generator) at I've used ANTLR heavily for several
>years and find it ideal for language implementation. Tree generation,
>manipulation and traversal are some of its most useful features.
thanks, I'll take a look at the java one.
>You might want to take a peek at Supercollider (,
>It's a Smalltalk-ish language for audio synthesis that uses some
>interesting paradigms for building processing structures
>programmatically. A particularly neat feature is that most of it
>(including garbage collection) can run at interrupt time.
Yes, I know about SuperCollider. I don't know how proprietary James
McCartney considers the language to be. It does have some very nice
features (though most of the semantic ones seem to me to be present in
Guile); the interrupt time thing really feels pretty bogus to me - I
had a discussion with James on music-dsp about this last year. All he
means is that the code all runs in bounded time. This really just
means there are restrictions on what can be called (malloc/free being
cases in point). I am not terribly interested in the "interrupt-ness"
of it - nothing like this runs in an interrupt on Linux. The
boundedness is hard to maintain when you have dynamically loaded
opcodes that could, in theory, do anything at all ...
However, I would repeat that SuperCollider does have some very nice
Thanks for the suggestions.
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