Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] hdr disk throughput
From: Andrew Clausen (
Date: Mon Mar 13 2000 - 02:03:32 EST
Paul Barton-Davis wrote:
> i am a little worried.
> it seems to me that in order to offer "true professional level" HDR,
> one has to sustain twice the apparent rate of disk i/o.
> the feature that causes this is the ability to move instantly in and
> out of record mode. when transitioning from record to play, people
> expect no break in the audio stream. that means that you must have the
> playback data (from the disk) already read into a memory buffer ready
> for use. but since you have no idea when this transition may occur,
> you actually have to do this *all the time* you are recording - punch
> out could happen anywhere.
> thus, in a record-all-tracks situation, to offer this feature, you
> have to be able to stream the given data rate both to *and* from the
> disk.
> comments ?
I don't think this is a problem, as long as you record to disk in
the same place (or near to) the place you read from. The major
pressure on disk IO is the seek time.
I wrote a little test program, that
(1) Writes a buffer
(2) Reads in the buffer for playback (a few buffers ahead of the
write buffer)
(3) Syncs the buffer written in (1). This shouldn't happen
before (2).
If I comment out the write, there is no drop in performance.
I get about 4.5Mb of reads per second on my disk, either way.
I attached the program. Are there any issues I missed?
BTW, you might want to run them on a raw partition, and a
filesystem, to compare performance. If you don't have
a spare partition, get GNU Parted
(plug, plug...)
Andrew Clausen
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