Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Client/Server audio system
From: Stephane Letz (
Date: Thu Mar 16 2000 - 06:04:42 EST
>This depends on how the events are passed. The MuCoS idea is that
>events are a structured form of data rather than either real time
>function calls or arrays of data. That is, multiple events can be
>sent on every port over a single context switch - resulting in a very
>flexible interface with no more context switch overhead than the "good
>old" plain-buffers-of-fixed-size approach.
>Now, I'm not sure how the "Audio MidiShare" system is going to handle
>it, but from what I can remember from the MidiShare docs I've seen,
>it's not all that different from what the MuCoS client/server API
>will look like.
Each MidiShare application has it's own event receive fifo that will
contain all events received by the application between two interrupt of the
scheduler. Each application also has a "receive thread " that is suspended
when no event are available. The kernel module wake-up each application
that has received events by resuming the application receive thread.
Stephane Letz
Grame: Centre National de creation musicale
9, Rue du Garet
69001 Lyon
Tel: 04-72-07-37-00
Fax: 04-72-07-37-01
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