Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] stereo / multichannel plugins in LADSPA ?
From: James McCartney (
Date: Thu Mar 23 2000 - 22:02:08 EET
on 3/23/00 2:13 PM, Stefan Westerfeld at wrote:
> All in all I don't really see the benefits of interleaving data, while I see
> real problems which occur with even such simple things as connecting two mono
> sound sources to the input of a stereo plugin (where you need to convert ...
> again, while with seperate buffers you could connect them directly).
I generally do not like interleaved data, but it does have better cache
performance. If you are reading multiple channels you may be maxing out
cache associativity if they are noninterleaved. However if they are
interleaved then you are only using one cache line. You will generally never
cache miss with interleaved data, whereas with noninterleaved channels once
you have more channels than way-ness-of-associativity of your cache then you
have more chance to start missing.
Once you have to start multi and demultiplexing a lot of the advantage can
go out the window, though.
--- james mccartney <>
SuperCollider - a real time synthesis programming language for the PowerMac.
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