Subject: [linux-audio-dev] LADSPA Finalisation Deadline
From: Richard W.E. Furse (
Date: Sat Mar 25 2000 - 20:04:59 EET
I'm proposing finalisation of LADSPA version 1. This would give a solid
baseline for programming, possible further development and/or possible use
within MuCoS.
If there are no significant *new* issues arising this week then I'll
finalise the version 1 next weekend (2nd April 2000). We still need an
introductory text on the API but I can produce this if push comes to shove
and there's no deadline for the external docs anyway. Do people think the
header file is adequately explicit to avoid confusion later?
The only still-open question in my mind is whether or not to include a
runAdding() method. This would require the addition of functions of the
following form: runAdding(handle, samples) and setGain(handle, output port
[NB!], gain). runAdding() is assumed to have implications for all output
ports, audio or control. I think this is horrid and won't include it unless
I get a good number of emails from developers whose non-vapourware software
will run much slower if it isn't included ;-)
Version 1 [proposal 2] available at
-- Richard
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