Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] stereo / multichannel plugins in LADSPA ?
From: David Olofson (
Date: Sun Mar 26 2000 - 00:37:12 EET
On Thu, 23 Mar 2000, Paul Winkler wrote:
> Paul Barton-Davis wrote:
> > how can the host possibly know this ? what if the plugin is a 24
> > channel mixer, with 24 independent connections ?
> Before anyone says "Why would you want a single plugin to be a 24
> channel mixer," I should say that Metric Halo has a plugin (for VST?
> ProTools? not sure) called ChannelStrip, which pretty much does
> exactly that, and a number of pro-audio people are raving about it.
Ok. What do you connect the ChannelStrip to? :-)
Unless it's other plugins with the exact same number of channels,
interleaving would mean nothing but trouble. The way the ChannelStrip
most certainly is implemented (as VST for one, doesn't support
interleaved data) - individual channels - is the way to go, even in
this extreme (?) case.
.- M u C o S --------------------------------. .- David Olofson ------.
| A Free/Open Multimedia | | Audio Hacker |
| Plugin and Integration Standard | | Linux Advocate |
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.- A u d i a l i t y ------------------------. | Singer |
| Rock Solid Low Latency Signal Processing | | Songwriter |
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