Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Summary - RFC: LAD pages announcement
From: Paul Winkler (
Date: Mon Mar 27 2000 - 21:05:58 EEST
OK, so far we have:
--Several reports that the netpedia server is down
(we're looking into it, I get 404s today but ftp access still works
fine. probably they're having web server problems.)
--Considerable concern that wider publicity --> more noise on list
What if we shortened our target list to:
* the distros
* the computer music studios
* some selected sites (vger linux mailing lists, maybe linuxcare)
* NOT slashdot, lwn, linux gazette, etc... too general an audience?
--No comments on the letter itself. Was it really that bad? :p
............ paul winkler ..................
slinkP arts: music, sound, illustration, design, etc.
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