Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] LADSPA with dynamic datatype and multichannelsupport released !!
From: Erik Steffl (
Date: Mon Mar 27 2000 - 22:06:50 EEST
Benno Senoner wrote:
> - plugins can support DIFFERENT datatypes for input and outputs.
> The restriction is that you can have only one input datatype and one output
> datype.
> For example if you set input datatype = float and output datatype = double
> the both input CONTROL ports and input AUDIO ports have to use the float
> type, while output CONTROL ports and output AUDIO ports have to use double.
this does not make sense at all. I mean, you either cros the street or
don't cross the street but you don't stand in the middle... the datatype
is a property of port, not property of plugin.
> Allowing per-port datatype would make things much more complicated for host
> and plugins, since our goal here is audio streaming not events.
I think that having each port completely independent entity (too bad
this is not C++) makes it easier, not harder. you know that you can do
certain things with port... why should the plugin be important? I mean
you should be able to the same things with port in plugin and in host
(and in host you definitely don't want to restrict to one type of data
for all ports). divide et impera (hope I've got spelling right).
> (Notice: mentally sick people could even combine the interleaved multichannel
> mode with bit fields, for example streaming multiple interleaved single-bit
> streams over arrays of bytes. David, u like this ? :-) )
oh yeah, and by having 16 1-bit channels you can convinietly simulate
16-bit audio channel! :-)
> In the case of a plugin supporting multiple datatypes ,
> since the datatype is passed to the instantiate function, some of the
> functionpointer assignments have to be moved from the descriptor()
> function to the instantiate() function since these are datatype dependent.
> eg. a plugin supporting float and double would have two run() functions
> run32() and run64() the Descriptor->run pointer would be assigned based
> on the datatype passed to the instantiate function.
> It's really easy to add a new datatype to a plugin.
??? as I see it the datatype is a characteristic of a port. all data
description/definition should be in port (obtainable using the port
descriptor only). the plugin should be close to not caring about the
data-types (other then it has to process the data:-)
otherwise you will end up moveing the data information from one place
to another none being the good solution and people will end up saying
'we should have had only one data type'. I think everything should be in
its own place, not scattered around the code...
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