Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] LADSPA::runAdding()
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Fri Mar 31 2000 - 22:43:09 EEST
>>Augan have a much better way of handling this: gated recording.
>What it means?
Recording starts and stops when the signal tapped at some specified
point rises or falls above or below a certain level (can be done down
to sample-level, rather than time-averaged, if necessary).
>The plug-in above was just an example for the purpose of the ongoing
>discussion. I could have taken an another example. If people keeps
>representing alternatives and better-ways for every example, the point
>of discussion is missed. :-|
Au contraire. I don't believe there *are* any cases that justify
"preroll" or "postroll". You can bring up each one, and I'll try to
find an alternative way to do it. The whole idea makes no sense to
me. What happens if I turn on a plugin in the middle of an existing
audio flow ?
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