Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] finding the selection length with LADSPA
From: David Benson (
Date: Thu Oct 19 2000 - 00:51:34 EEST
> yes, it seems like it's a problem if it's impossible to implement a fade
> in/out filter that operates on a user selection. requiring a user to
> type in a number of samples to fade over is kind of old skool, and is
> redundant if the user has already selected a region. i can think of many
> cases where it's necessary to know the total number of samples selected
> before beginning the processing.
may i suggest making the fade time be a parameter
of the filter? (an input control parameter)
in a streaming context, that's really all you can do:
ladspa does not model the end of a stream.
- Dave
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