Subject: RE: [linux-audio-dev] EDL's ... in process
From: David Olofson (
Date: Mon Oct 23 2000 - 00:02:35 EEST
On Thu, 19 Oct 2000, MOULET Xavier FTRD/DMR/ISS wrote:
> > Your python stuff looks very cool, but as you say, its not really
> > intended for the same kind of thing. I need to be able to use this
> > system to play back 24+ channels of audio in real time :)
> >
> Thanks, I am wondering : do realtime tweaking of parameters reeally is a
> must for you and other people on this list ? Would you bear it if we could
> have a "fast" preview and a completely undestructive synth / wave editor or
> is it unacceptable ? Is that king of project yet another XYZ or could it be
> useful for any one of you ?
It's like the difference between recording MIDI and editing it using
staff or pianoroll views or some other tool; it's two very different
ways of creating music, and as the tonal qualities of the sounds get
more and more integrated with the composition as the digital
technology and modern music evolves, it's becoming essential that
every parameter, as for as possible, should be possible to control in
real time, just like on any "normal" instrument.
As to conventional audio engineering, tweaking EQs, compressor
thresholds and track levels has always been done in real time, and
there is a reason why high end digital systems are still doing it
that way: Anything else is a compromize.
There are things that are better done "off-line", but IMHO, that
hardly makes entirely off-line oriented systems more useful for
serious work... The whole idea of working in a
while(not ok)
loop is just awkward and frustrating most of the time, in my
experience. If it can be done by playing (possibly a loop) and real
time tweaking with quick response, that's the quickest way to get the
desired result.
.- M u C o S -------------------------. .- David Olofson --------.
| A Free/Open Source | | Audio Hacker |
| Plugin and Integration Standard | | Linux Advocate |
| for | | Open Source Advocate |
| Professional and Consumer | | Singer |
| Multimedia | | Songwriter |
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