Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Realtime wars ... Montavista vs Lineo
From: Benno Senoner (
Date: Wed Sep 13 2000 - 00:42:16 EEST
Lineo's claims in these PR make me sick:
While Montavista's preemptive kernel prototypes are not perfect yet, I think
they are a step in the right direction and will help the linux realtime
community, especially those working in userspace like we audio folks.
But what I hate is that Lineo claims that "their" realtime linux solutions,
(which is basically RTLinux (invented by Victor Yodaiken)) are better than
Montavista's ones.
What kind of stuff have they contributed to the linux community ?
If Redhat and Suse mentality was as closed as Caldera's one
(and related subsidiaries like Lineo), then Linux would still be an
unknown/dead OS.
At least Montavista shows us the source of what they do, while Lineo seems only
good at making negative PR against competitors and market open source RT
solutions (RTLinux and RTAI) as their own.
Do they really believe that we will code software like EVO using
"their" superiour RTOS solutions ?
comments ?
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