Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] stream buffering on EVO & pitchbend .... opinions ?
From: Ruben van Royen (
Date: Wed Sep 20 2000 - 16:34:18 EEST
one more issue: portamento. (Mono&Legato playing causes sliding of the tone
to the new pitch). Are we going to forbid this? A fast portamento can shift
the pitch quite fast a few octaves up, for example. This would cause the
buffers to be read to fast, the same problem as pitchbending has. But it is
much more uncommen to limit the portamento range than it is to limit the
pitchbend range. And the multiple sample solution suffers from the problem
that you have to read multiple streams, while only using one. If we would
restrict portamento to monophonic tracs the impact would be lessened, since
you only play a single note on that instrument.
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