Subject: [linux-audio-dev] float a/d (was Linux support for IEEE1394 mLAN?)
From: Tom Pincince (
Date: Sat Sep 23 2000 - 22:39:32 EEST
>Plus consider the fact the most DSP algorithms won't be able to retain
a very
>high precision, due to truncation, rounding and chaining errors.
>In some cases you need all math done in 64bit fp (double precision), in
>to get the desired 16bits of precision at the DAC, using 32bit floating
>is not enough sometimes.
>Plus some filters produce small ripples by definition, thus rendering
>added precision almost useless.
>and at 24bit , we have some 144dB dynamic range which means quite
>some headroom when recording.
>Going above the 24bit audio is for me like trying to make movies with
>200 frames per second ... no one will notice the difference, but
>the cost and complexity of the system rises expotentially while not
>giving us acceptable levels of improvement.
I recently spoke with an audio old timer who owns a Studer 1 inch half
track 30 ips open reel mastering deck. If analog tape resolution is
proportional to tape surface area, then the resolution of his deck is
256x the resolution of consumer cassettes (1/8 inch quarter track 1 7/8
ips). For him the switch to digital has been torture. One of the
complaints of daw's is that the editing is done at the same resolution
as the consumer playback format. You already see the challenge of
maintaining precision at float 32 for a single process. Imagine
processing one track with a compressor, two bands of parametric eq,
panning, and a gain fader. That was 5 separate processes each
contributing cumulatively to the truncating/rounding errors of the LSB.
Now mix 64 channels that have each been similarly processed and how far
beyond the LSB do you think the quantization noise has migrated? I feel
that if the consumer format provides a resolution with quantization
noise that is marginally beyond the threshold of audible perception,
then the daw used for recording, editing, and mixing the audio should
probably be operating at 4x to 8x of the consumer format.
>Whats the output level of professional mics now days?
My newest mic, an AT4050, outputs 15 mV. Stand alone a/d's reference
0dbfs with 24 dbu (roughly 12 V?) so noise due to amplification is a pay
me now or pay me later issue.
>I think that with out doing the A/D directly at the mic you would have
a hard time getting a
>system that didn't wash the last 4-5 bits of resolution with noise. Of
course that noise
>would be pretty white so with a little bit of math you might could
digitally remove it.
Current 24 bit a/d's already wash the lowest 4-6 bits, so if a new
design is only as good as the current one in this area, but provides
improvement in other areas, it is still worth doing.
>Sorry if I'm dense; I understand the
>counting-up-to-the-exponent idea, but how do you then
>measure the mantissa?
Any way you want to. Once the signal is normalized and the exponent
computed, then this normalized signal simply lives in a buffer and can
be treated like the s/h signal in a traditional a/d.
>You'll be
>getting all the analog noise and distortion introduced by
>however many amplification stages it took to get the signal
>above the reference level. If as you suggest we have a chain
>of amplifiers, each with gain of 2, then the lowest-level
>input signals will get correspondingly more noise and
>distortion because they'll go through lots of gain stages.
One 2x gain stage with a feedback loop.
>I can think of a way to measure the exponent without
>amplifying the input (by feeding it to a bunch of gates in
My understanding is that current a/d moved from successive approximation
to 1 bit sigma delta because fast serial circuits are economically
cheaper to build than slower parallel ones
> The difficulty would be, again, calibrating the
>gain of each amplifier precisely enough.
Maybe this is one reason why parallel circuits are so expensive.
>Also, the amps would need to have very flat frequency
>response - you wouldn't want to hear the tone quality change
>as the signal level changed!!
The beauty of this design is that frequency response becomes a non-issue
for amp design. The amps see only the dc output of the s/h which
changes state at the sampling rate. At 96 khz, this gives roughly 10 us
between samples. Amp design is simplified to dc step response with 10
us of settling time to allow for the inevitable ringing to decay. This
ringing is distortion. Traditional analog amplification provides no
time for ringing to decay because the input signal is the continuously
varying ac audio signal. This requires careful damping in the design,
because all amps ring in response to a change of input voltage. This
also requires multiple stages with lower gain instead of one stage with
high gain. The careful balancing of these issues is why high quality
mic pre-amps can cost $100 - $1000 per channel. 10 us of settling time
was impossible in the days of all analog, and to my knowledge, while
mic-pre a/d combos are becoming common, no designs break from the norm
of putting the amp pre s/h. This one feature makes it a worthy
project. Float was an afterthought, and I have found out that the 2x
iterations to compute the exponent was patented in the 90's by a company
working on video digitization.
I could skip the 2x stuff and design a variable gain amp with as few
stages and as little damping as 10 us will allow and produce an amp with
less self noise and distortion than current state of the art. Then I
would have a standard integer a/d that could eliminate the market for
high end mic pre's ( those desirable artifacts created by classic gear
could be emulated in software with convolution dsp) that would still
have the problems of clipping and low resolution for low signals
inherent in integer designs. However, making the gain to be 2x gives
the perfect opportunity to provide float output, and some fine tuning
could eliminate some of the cumulative noise.
>But aren't standard high quality 24 bit DACs enough ?
My question to software developers is; is an all float software
environment desirable enough to warrant a/d with native float output?
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