Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] [ot] rawmidi && alsa
From: Tim Goetze (
Date: Mon Apr 23 2001 - 15:09:26 EEST
Today Knos wrote:
>[Frank Neumann <>]
>| Hi,
>| wrote:
>| > does midi / rawmidi devices work _at all_ with the current alsa-cvs?
>| >
>| > i always get returned EBUSY on my setup, I thought it may be some
>| > misconfiguration of my own or some specific driver problem,
>| > but I posted on alsa-dev and i've seen other posts and bug reports
>| > about this problem not beeing answered.
>| >
>| > It may of course be an example of collective sillyness, but knowing
>| > if the problem comes from me or the alsa drivers would help a lot..
>| >
>| > so i'd be happy to know if any of you manages to get access to the
>| > rawmidi devices with current alsa(s)..
>| I discovered the same problem over the weekend - wanted to rewrite a
>| small OSS-based MIDI tool to work with ALSA (currently using
>| 0.9.0beta3), but I had to discover that even the rawmidi example from
>| the alsa-lib archive wouldn't compile (and changing some obvious
>| constants didn't help me there - I did not follow the ALSA API
>| development at all yet).
>| Looks like the tools are a bit outdated compare to the actual driver/lib
>| stuff..
>Yes although the rawmidi api shoud be very very simple
>here is a stupid program i made to test it:
>#include <sys/asoundlib.h>
> int err;
> snd_rawmidi_t* input;
> if( (err = snd_rawmidi_open(&input, NULL, "ININ",
> fprintf(stderr, "+/- %s\n", snd_strerror(err));
> exit(-1);
> }
> printf("midi opened.\n");
> snd_rawmidi_close(input);
>to make it work you need something like:
>rawmidi.ININ {
> type hw
> card 0
>it always stops with port busy. ...
>| Sure, this should have been asked on alsa-devel, but since it has been
>| raised here... :-}
>yes i don't know what to do i haven't got any answer, i suppose they
>know about it or its a typical stupid configuration error .. but i
>can load the modules by hand, try with or without the sequencers module,
>try only one card, it's always returning BUSY even with the virmidi
>It's really the first time i'm frustrated by linux (in quite a few years
>of use) perhaps because i just got my ibk 10control (nice controller box)
>and was looking forward to play realtime with jmax + csound.
> n
the following method is known to work since alsa-0.6.x (as has been
said on alsa-devel):
fd = open ("/dev/snd/midiCxDy", O_RDONLY); /* x = card, y = device */
while (!done)
if (read (fd, &data, 1) == 1)
parse (data);
O_NONBLOCK with poll(2) and O_WRONLY/O_RDWR with write(2) work, too.
the only drawback is that due to a long-standing bug alsa does not
route MIDI data you write to this fd to hardware MIDI (wavetable/FM),
so for a emu8k, /dev/snd/midiCxDy with y > 0 is dead.
external connectors work well here with emu8k, ice1712 and an isa
actually, i regard this method not as a workaround but as superior
since a) it is easier to implement and read, and b) you can use it
with sockets and pipes, too.
there's code that implements this method in pbd's libmidi++ or my
midithing (
hope this lessens the frustration,
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