Subject: [linux-audio-dev] GLAME 0.4.0 released.
From: Richard Guenther (
Date: Thu Apr 26 2001 - 19:15:02 EEST
The second stable version of GLAME has finally arrived. Changes since the
beta are of course lots of bugfixes and most notably a lot of cosmetic fixes
and additions to the graphical user interface (such as adding "native" support
for playback and recording). Also context sensitive on-line help was added
which uses gnome-help and the installed texinfo documentation.
You can download GLAME from the following locations:
Or visit the GLAME homepage at
Current status (as of version 0.4.0):
- usable GUI - src/gui/glame
- usable console UI - src/cglame
- documentation and on-line help
- the glame midlayer which supports
* plugins
* scripting (using guile)
* hierarchical organization and processing of wave data
- the filternetwork backend which supports
* threading, i.e. pipelined processing of all data
* feedback inside the network does work
* zero-copy operation inside and between filters
- the swapfile backing store
-- Richard Guenther <> WWW: The GLAME Project:
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