Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Reading and writing audio data at the same time on Linux
From: Sudhir Kumar (
Date: Fri May 04 2001 - 14:41:12 EEST
I am doing an application (voice based) that require "Source data
line"(audio data can be read) and "Target data line"(data may be written) to
be open at the same time.
I am creating two threads, one for reading, and other for writing and starts
both at same time.
On Windows 2000, both thread runs, but on Linux one thread blocks.
If thread started reading the audio data from "Source data line" then other
will wait for some resource and vice versa.
If i run one thread in my application (any one thread), it works.
If i run each thread in different application, it blocks.
Everything runs perfectly well on Windows 2000.
I am using jdk1.3 on SuSe Linux 7.0 and using javax.sound.sampled package.
Can anyone give me an idea of what to do? I would be glad to explain more.
Thanks in advance for your help.
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