Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] LAAGA - how are we doing ?
From: Vincent Touquet (
Date: Sat May 05 2001 - 23:51:55 EEST
I'm rather new to this list, but I'm very happy to see that there some
good thinking going on here.
I just liked to say that the idea of using callback-functions is very
I have worked on a totally different project using GNU Maverik (a nice
VR tool), which also uses callbackfunctions and I have to admit that you
can gain a lot of flexibility with it: just register your own
callbackfunction you've just written and you can work with the VR engine
: ). Now if we could do something similar with the audio engine that
would be great I guess.
Writing an API using callbackfunctions doesn't produce 'nice' code
(within the API code itself), but with enough wrapping, it could be a
nice API to use for application. developers though.
What is the main coding language by the way: C / C++ ?
I hope you will be seeing more of me, after my exams :)
Kind Regards
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