Subject: Re: [alsa-devel] Re: [linux-audio-dev] laaga, round 2
From: Paul Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Wed May 09 2001 - 20:38:05 EEST
In message <Pine.LNX.4.21.0105092038290.863-100000_AT_sculpcave.localdomain>you wr
>On Tue, 8 May 2001, Paul Davis wrote:
>> to reiterate, all LAAGA offers is:
>> * data sharing via internal busses accessed via the exact same
>> mechanism as physical channels.
>Hmm, this is one thing that should be discussed. In my original proposal,
>there are just channels (=busses), and no way to differentiate between
>physical channels and virtual busses.
We are in complete agreement. The only way to distinguish one channel
from another is to call channel_type (channel_id). In every other
respect (from the client's perspective) they behave identically. And
yes, some server implementation may have no internal busses, some may
have no physical channels. the user may know the difference if a UI
exposes it, or they may not.
>Does this change break something in AES/ardour communication?
obviously not, because there is no change :)
the one thing that is a problem is the GUI/plugin connection, which to
implement "correctly" for ardour would be an immense amount of
work. my design right now assumes same-VM-space for the GUI and the
plugin; despite the internals and API of libardour being totally
distinct from the GUI, the current model of interaction between them
is not in anyway conducive to IPC of any kind.
we are planning to (potentially) break this. but thats my problem, and
i'll work on it when and if i have to.
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