Subject: Re: [alsa-devel] Re: [linux-audio-dev] laaga, round 2
From: Paul Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Thu May 10 2001 - 18:09:01 EEST
>There are also other extra features that it might be useful to add.
>Paul was talking about SMPTE, but then he withdrew that idea.
>However, something like that would be very useful I think, allowing a
>`song' to be built up in several applications, each using their own
>method of sequencing, but all working together in the final mix. This
>is ideal.
Please note: I wasn't against providing a time sync. I was against it
being based on SMTPE. "current frame" is much better than SMPTE, which
is low resolution, and suffers from being dependent on a
frames-per-second setting that has no connection with sample rate or
any other audio feature.
>Originally I was thinking around some kind of a server through which
>all the control messages (MIDI, commands, and float-streams) of the
>whole system would pass, allowing all of this to be sequenced by a
>single application.
Welcome to MAIA. Too bad it doesn't exist.
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