Subject: Re: [alsa-devel] Re: [linux-audio-dev] laaga, round 2
From: Jim Peters (
Date: Thu May 10 2001 - 11:39:19 EEST
Karl MacMillan wrote:
> In fact, it strikes
> me that LAAGA could be scraped and a LADSPA host could be written that
> would handle everything that has been proposed here!
Very good point. We would just need to make a couple of additions to
- Allow plugins to add and delete input/output ports whilst running,
rather than having them hardcoded and fixed.
- Maybe allow an optimisation so that copying is eliminated when
plugins are just passing data through. My idea of allowing a plugin
to copy a pointer across from its inputs to its outputs would do
There are also other extra features that it might be useful to add.
Paul was talking about SMPTE, but then he withdrew that idea.
However, something like that would be very useful I think, allowing a
`song' to be built up in several applications, each using their own
method of sequencing, but all working together in the final mix. This
is ideal.
Originally I was thinking around some kind of a server through which
all the control messages (MIDI, commands, and float-streams) of the
whole system would pass, allowing all of this to be sequenced by a
single application. However using SMPTE or something like it is
almost as good, and in fact is less intrusive on the application
programmer, allowing him/her to do their sequencing just as they like.
I would say that providing some kind of time-code and song-name
support directly to the applications would make it very much easier
to, for example, load up the sequences for song "AAA" into 5 different
applications and start the song, all from just one transport control
(REW FF STOP PLAY) user-interface.
Put together with my patchbay idea, you could save your connections
for a song based on this global "Song-name", and your connections
could load up automatically as well.
For what it's worth. I know Paul doesn't seem to understand how much
difficulty his bus model is going to cause the user, so I don't expect
much movement here unless Almighty-God-On-High intervenes with a
-- Jim Peters / __ | \ Aguazul / /| /| )| /| / )|| \ jim_AT_aguazul. \ (_|(_|(_|(_| )(_|I / www.aguazul. \ ._) _/ /
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