Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] OffTopic: LAD logo
From: Frank Neumann (
Date: Mon May 14 2001 - 11:37:25 EEST
a few days ago Jörn wrote:
[..about my logo suggestion]
> i agree the shading is a problem in the small button version. needs
> to be a bit crisper to be readable.
> but i do quite like the serifed font. MVHO.
I did a tiny update this morning - for the webbutton, I removed all
"shadow" layers so now the text is slightly more crisp (and probably
also a bit better readable, I hope). The actual logo, though, is still
hard to recognize at that size (unless you know what it should look like
:-}). Same page as before ( ), see the
bottom of the page for the alternative webbutton.
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