Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Re: Pragmatic comparison of approaches to audio engine
From: Jim Peters (
Date: Mon May 14 2001 - 20:26:38 EEST
Karl MacMillan wrote:
> > Can we wrapper the API with library calls, macros or whatever so
> > that with just a recompile apps can move from one model to another? I
> > don't want to loose the ability to do low latency work with my current
> > machine, but I also don't want to shoot myself in the foot by backing a
> > model which might make future software unreliable.
> It seems to me that if a simple enough api is choosen where the buffers
> are allocated by the server it would not be necessary to even recompile.
> Each plugin could be loaded into its own 'server' which really just
> handles the multi-process communication in that model or one server that
> is either single or multi-threaded. I haven't put a lot of thought into
> this, but it seems possible.
I agree. I think it is quite possible to move from a single-threaded
design to a multi-process design, but not the other way - you'd
probably be allowing yourself much greater freedoms if you could use
processes to start with.
-- Jim Peters (_)/=\~/_(_) Uazú (_) /=\ ~/_ (_) jim@ (_) /=\ ~/_ (_) www. (_) ____ /=\ ____ ~/_ ____ (_)
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