Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Pragmatic comparison of approaches to audio engine
From: Kai Vehmanen (
Date: Wed May 16 2001 - 04:04:00 EEST
On Mon, 14 May 2001, Abramo Bagnara wrote:
> Ok, I've finished a new version of ctx.c that complete the picture
> adding multi process approach.
A very quick test run...(2x466):
[ multiprocess - no load ]
|# ./ctx 4 50000 2 467.733
Scheduler set to Round Robin with priority 99...
Cycles per period: 117621.623720
%CPU usage: 18.860379
[ multiprocess - heavy load caused with top+find ]
|# ./ctx 4 50000 2 467.733
Scheduler set to Round Robin with priority 99...
Cycles per period: 185382.758760
%CPU usage: 29.725734
[ singleprocess - heavy load caused with top+find ]
|# ./ctx 4 50000 0 467.733
Scheduler set to Round Robin with priority 99...
Cycles per period: 92924.545520
%CPU usage: 14.900255
[ singleprocess - no load ]
|# ./ctx 4 50000 0 467.733
Scheduler set to Round Robin with priority 99...
Cycles per period: 91563.395720
%CPU usage: 14.681997
... ok, much more thorough testing is needed before making any big
conclusions, but anyway, with this I'd like to emphasize the point that
multiple processes/threads are more fragile under heavy load.
-- Audio software for Linux!
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