Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Performance and Elegance? (Was: High Cost of IPC)
From: Jay Ts (
Date: Thu May 17 2001 - 00:23:14 EEST
> If and when we all get 64-bit boxes
> with several gigs of fast ram and the current design proves inelegant,
> than it can be rewritten.
Does this mean you volunteer to:
- inform all the plugin developers and app developers
that they need to rewrite and recompile their code.
- inform all the Linux distributors that they must
be careful to make sure all the audio apps are
synchronized to the new plugin API.
- inform all the users that they will need to upgrade
all their applications at the same time to be
compatible with the new plugin API.
- etc.
What I've been saying isn't that I want the multiprocess model
to have full support at the first release, but that as a minimum,
I want to make sure that it can be added later in a manner that
is smooth and doesn't result in a major upgrade scenario for
thousands (or millions) of users.
I think it is bad enough having to get everyone to switch from
the OSS drivers to ALSA. I feel it would be better to avoid that
sort of difficulty by thinking out the design better at the start,
- Jay Ts
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