Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] LAAGA restrictions
From: Paul Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Thu May 17 2001 - 19:51:58 EEST
>> I don't view this as acceptable. I want Muse to work in this
>> framework, and I don't think that its author will be happy about
>> having to rewrite it in GTK!
>But muse can still be in there as an MP app. I ws thinking the restrictions
>would apply only to SP apps.
Ah, so you want not "SP or MP", but "SP and MP" ... right?
>> I don't think that Ardour's performance will suffer in any noticeable
>> way, other than to have slightly fewer cycles available for plugins.
>And less reliable under load.
True. I'm still thinking (as well as currently completely
reimplementing AES for other reasons).
>> >Guaranteed 2^n block size
>> we can't guarantee that. if there ends up being a reason for the
>> engine to have "events", it may have to subdivide a 2^n block.
>Wouldn't it be better to do events by some other means, timestamping for
The events that matter here are at the level of the engine. It can't
allow a plugin to process frames "beyond" an event's time until it
processes the event (possibly changing parameters, etc.) I don't see
how timestamping would help.
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