Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] questions to be resolved
From: Paul Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Mon May 21 2001 - 14:13:43 EEST
>The plugin only has one run method, which can be implemented as a
>callback function, that the host (be it a LAAGA server) can set during
>runtime. I think that this is the point where LAAGA plugins or call them
>soundboxes would be beginning to differ from LADSPA plugins (they don't
>support dynamically changing callback functions ?).
>The LAAGA server either sets the run method to a method which implements
>a run or run_adding behaviour, according to the connectivity of the
>plugins (soundboxes). This requires only a pointer change ! And it keeps
>the plugin dumb, which is essential IMHO.
Sorry to repeat this, but this is wrong. This notion of "use the other
callback" is fine for LADSPA. Its not acceptable for LAAGA. It simply
cannot work. For a simple algorithm, its OK to have two versions of
the code that actually writes data into the output port buffer. But
for LAAGA, where the plugin might be the whole of Ardour, the whole of
TerminatorX, the whole of MusE, you cannot feasibly require that there
are two versions of the callback.
I will write a longer message later today detailing some precise,
specific thoughts that i had last night on how to solve the buffer
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