Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] a port/buffer proposal
From: Richard Guenther (
Date: Tue May 22 2001 - 15:17:26 EEST
Reading the on-line archives of lad, I think I need to tell
something about the GLAME way of doing buffer management.
The basic model is that we have explicit representation of
ports and pipes (which are your connections). A port generally
can be connected with multiple pipes, but there is no feature
like "automagically" mixing - this has to be done explicitly.
Note that the difference in the GLAME model is, that you do
not have left/right/whatever ports, but just one sample in port
to which you connect left/right/whatever streams as seperate
(Automatic) zerocopy operation is ensured by prepending a buffer
with a buffer head that does reference counting. So we can pass
(associate a buffer with a pipe) one buffer to multiple pipes
by reference without copying, just by bumping the reference
Now there are two ways to "operate" on those buffers:
- work in-place: you have to call make_buffer_private() on the
buffer which does copy the buffer if and if only the reference
count is not 1
- dont work in-place: you may just read from the input buffer
and write to the output buffer (which you have to allocate
yourself in GLAME - there is no such thing like a host)
So all your special casing can be avoided by providing reference
counting and some rules (make_buffer_private() before any write).
Note that I dont think things like automatic mixing are actually
useful to support in the "backend" - those are really user interface
issues (dont clobber networks with lots of mixes / splits - in GLAME
we have a mix plugin and a one2n plugin).
PS: cc me, if you have more questions, I'm not on the list.
-- Richard Guenther <> WWW: The GLAME Project:
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