Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] a central problem with *any* Port model?
From: Tom Pincince (
Date: Wed May 23 2001 - 21:37:01 EEST
Oops, I seem to have made up a new address for lad while replying to
this message from the old address, so I'm giving it another try.
Appologies if the first one actually worked.
> But wait a minute! Oh my, this is much worse than I thought. Much
> worse. There isn't *any* way to monitor the input of a Port in
> general! If it happens to be a port on a Driver that is controlling an
> audio h/w interface, then its possible. But in the general case, the
> notion of monitoring a Port is nonsensical - there is no mechanism to
> do it.
> Gulp. This seems bad.
> How can anyone build a disk recorder that cannot monitor its input
> effectively?
Maybe it's not so bad. The audio interface inputs can be monitored by
the Driver. All other signals come from output ports, and they can be
monitored. Or am I completely missing something?
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