Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] a port/buffer proposal
From: Paul Davis (
Date: Tue May 22 2001 - 18:37:20 EEST
>For glame you can connect any number of connections to one single port,
>the plugin sees this as a list of pipes associated with a port.
So in GLAME, there are really only input ports and output buffers,
true? A plugin writes into an output buffer, and sees its input
port(s) as a list of connected pipes that point back to buffers?
The issue there is that it means that plugins have to be "smart" about
reading data from a port. I think there is something appealing about
putting the "intelligence" in the host, and allowing plugins to see
reading and writing as just operations a single, contiguous memory
region (for audio, anyway).
Anyone else have any thoughts on the appeal of GLAME's model?
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