Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] It's time to vote (n. 1)
From: Steve Harris (
Date: Thu May 24 2001 - 12:54:40 EEST
On Wed, May 23, 2001 at 07:25:37PM -0400, Paul Davis wrote:
> >> I'm just wondering, since I'm getting a .7 ms roundtrip time when
> >> pinging my other Linux system here, which is connected to this one
> >> by 100 Mbps ethernet through a 100 Mbps switch. Is that number
> >> for real? Because it seems almost too good.
> >
> >I get 150-250usec (yes, microseconds) roundtrip through 100mbps switch.
> is this on a previously quiescent connection (TCP or UDP) ? my
> impression is that once things get rolling round trip times are pretty
> good, but that moving a packet or two when there's been no traffic in
> a few msecs produces much worse numbers. my impression may be wrong.
This is definatly true on ATM, the ramping up time is more like 30 seconds
Over ethernet it seem to be only the first packet that is slow, probably
depends on the make of switch though. Unswitched private networks should
be fine. But as Paul said these times are too slow to be useful.
- Steve
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