Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Gigabit ethernet to stream audio
From: Steve Harris (
Date: Fri May 25 2001 - 13:42:44 EEST
On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 01:46:43PM -0500, STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI) wrote:
> ethernet and tcp/ip are different layers, ethernet is somewhere in the
> range 1-2, tcp/ip in 3-6 (or something like that). even if they don't use
> tcp/ip (the article does not say) they have to use some protocol upon
> ethernet. However the following sentence: "The Disney network makes
> extensive use of standard protocols, including SNMP." suggests that they use
> tcp/ip (standard protocols). I can imagine that they also use other
> protocols (SMB, IPX etc.)
> to continue nitpicking: udp is part of tcp/ip (see e.g.
Yes, yes ;) sorry, a lot of people here didn't seem to be clear on what
the relations were, so I listed them both.
I also typed TCP where I meant IP ealier, D'oh!
Theres nothing to stop you using a novel protocol over ethernet as well as
TCP/IP. There not using low latency though, so there would be no
particular reason for using a novel protocol.
- Steve
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