Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] developers and development: some thoughts
From: Josh Green (
Date: Sat May 26 2001 - 02:44:02 EEST
> > LAD/devel -- developers of Linux audio software
> > LAD/users -- users of Linux audio software
> > LAD/announce -- moderated? co-working with your webpages?
Sounds good to me as well. Seems like the way things are currently might
scare users who want to be part of Linux audio developement, but not as
a developer. Its nice to have people who use our software and test it
too :) I know that reading lots of emails that I only partially
understand can be daunting at times. Splitting off some of the more
detailed developer related stuff to the devel list would be nice. An
announce list would be cool too, as I've often thought of posting
announcements but thought it would just clutter the list.
Josh Green
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