Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] developers and development: some thoughts
From: Andre Majorel (
Date: Sat May 26 2001 - 20:15:16 EEST
On 2001-05-25 10:47 -0400, Dave Phillips wrote:
> And as ever, I'm still somewhat dismayed at the number of Linux audio
> coders who are *not* present in LAD traffic. I don't know why this
> should be so
Lack of visibility ? Everybody knows about
linux-* but you have to dig a bit deeper to find
this one. I've been subscribed to a number of vger lists for
years before I even heard about linux-audio-dev. That should
tell you something....
(Admittedly, I wasn't /looking/ for an audio list.)
-- André Majorel <>
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