Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] PCM Device Enumeration
From: Richard Bown (
Date: Sat May 11 2002 - 11:05:51 EEST
Fred Gleason wrote:
> On Friday 10 May 2002 19:21, Paul Davis wrote:
> > perhaps you don't realize this - i can't say i blame you. its one of
> > the most fundamental aspects of using ALSA, but its not prominent in
> > any of the docs or the website.
> I think you've just touched upon the real problem. ALSA is ludicrously -- in
> fact, dangerously -- underdocumented.
> Folks, this is intolerable.
Yeah, well, Fred I had exactly the same rant on kde-multimedia the
other month regarding the aRts API and lack of roadmap/visibility/
documentation. If you think the situation for the audio/MIDI
application programmer is bad here then etc. etc.
No offence intended (really) but I'm sure they'd be the first to agree.
When someone helpfully pointed out the maturity of ALSA and how we
should check it out it soon became pretty obvious that we couldn't
afford to ignore it. What I see currently for ALSA in the way of
apps, documentation and support is a veritable embarassment of riches.
Yes, the documentation for JACK and ALSA might be a little thin on the
ground in places but you have mailing list archives and you have
people like me being a pain in the arse and asking (hopefully)
the right questions when they need to - more importantly there
are people like Paul and Takashi (and countless others) patiently
answering questions by return of post. The situation isn't desperate,
sometimes you just need a little patience.
Hopefully reasonably soon, once I lift my head from the codeface, I'll
document our findings for ALSA and JACK implementations for Rosegarden
and maybe that'll help. Maybe it won't but hey, rather more docs than
less eh?
> If ALSA is in fact ready for prime time, then we better get some docs
> (both for developers and end users)
I think everyone would agree with you, but I also think it's under
control and it's certainly in your hands. Then again, perhaps my
expectations have dropped so low that I'm just amazed by everything
and everyone these days. So, YMMV.
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