Re: [linux-audio-dev] Portable recording device revisited

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Portable recording device revisited
From: D. Stimits (
Date: Mon May 13 2002 - 23:41:29 EEST wrote:
> I'm looking at using one of these monitors as the interface
> for my portable recording device.
> It connects through a standard serial port and I have to
> incorporate this code somehow if I want it to work.
> I have only a vague concept of how to do this at the moment
> so I appreciate if people can see a simple way to do so.
> I would like the machine to be dual boot with the default
> boot running a very stripped down OS. It will run some
> combination of ALSA and Jack (if necessary) and will allow
> the user to access their pci (or usb) soundcard via a
> simple program based on arecord/aplay.
> The monitors sole purpose is for the default boot env.
> What do you think is the easiest and most effective way of
> making this monitor work for this purpose?

Never tried this, but I would probably look termcap, terminfo, ncurses,
so on, figure out which will be in your system, and create a custom
entry for those that will be present. Use the C library given and wrap
that with the abstraction that makes it look like a standard termcap,
terminfo, or ncurses display. If you are not going to use any curses
based application, skip it. The downside is that you would have to
figure out termcap and terminfo database entries, the upside is that
likely any terminal based program that can display within the
limitations of the device will work without modification. This is
probably required even if you use this device as a headless serial port
monitor without a video card. You will probably have to do some research
to find a motherboard that works without a video card.

D. Stimits,

> TIA.
> --
> Patrick Shirkey - Boost Hardware Ltd
> For the discerning hardware connoisseur

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