Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] LADSPA v1.1
From: Paul Davis (
Date: Tue May 21 2002 - 04:52:57 EEST
>> So no complaints then? When does this become offical? (When can people
>> download a 1.1 ladspa.h file?)
>I'm a relative newcomer here, but my initial reaction was "that's all?".
>I'm all for incremental, backwards-compatible changes, but sometimes things
>get over-engineered for the sake of compatibility.
first, its revision 1.1, not 2.0.
second, as has been said many times here, the "S" in LADSPA stands for
"Simple". LADSPA was never intended to be a complete plugin API. it
arose primarily from richard's looking at several application's
builtin/native plugin APIs and trying to extract a common subset that
could bridge them all. it was the intersection not union, however.
third, calling LADSPA "over-engineered" strikes me as similar to
calling a wheel "over geometric". there is almost nothing in LADSPA
not directly related to the core operations of the plugin and host,
and almost nothing that can be ignored by either plugin or host. that
doesn't mean its a swiss army knife, but i find it hard to call it
over-engineered when its so compact and focused.
>For the record, I am working on an alternative (perhaps wrapper is the best
>description) API that does what LADSPA does, and more, in what I view as a
>simpler and more cohesive way. I'll post it for shits-and-giggles when it
>is ready. The idea being that you can write a very simple plugin that
>handles all the complexity of LADSPA compatibility, polyphony, etc. and
>still presents a simple API to the host.
we'll be looking for it.
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