Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] rh7.3 kernel lowlatency patch
From: Kristian Peters (
Date: Tue May 21 2002 - 22:18:19 EEST
jfm3 <> wrote:
> I'm trying to make a rh7.3 rpm that has the full lowlatency patch. I
> replaced the patch in the src.rpm with 2.4.17-low-latency.patch. The
> patch fails around mm.h and reiserfs/journal.c. I'm not sure I care
> about reiserfs. Has anyone done this already?
> Patch #740 (linux-2.4.17-lowlatency.patch):
> + patch -p1 -s
> 1 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file include/linux/mm.h.rej
^^^ mm.h doesn't that stand for memory management ?
But anyway... Why did you take the 2.4.17 patch ? RH uses the 2.4.18 kernel as far as I know.. I suspect you won't be able to apply the full latency patch because of the dozens of other patches Redhat has applied themselves...
I'm currently using a combination of preempt+lowlatency on top of 2.4.18 (besides some other little patches). And that works too. If you aren't pending on some specific patches from Redhat then I suggest taking a vanilla kernel.
> 1 out of 7 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file
> fs/reiserfs/journal.c.rej
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