Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Re: documentation quality. (was Desktop Environments...)
From: Paul Davis (
Date: Thu Jul 04 2002 - 02:01:55 EEST
>3. Programmers are usually very protective about their software's
>quality and will closely examine every patch submitted to them. But
>these same programmers will turn around and create a Wiki where any
>kiddie can submit incorrect/confusing/contradictory documentation.
>I think all Open Source projects should have someone who handles
>documentation. Don't set up a Wiki, you need someone who is
Wiki's are not a substitute for the kind of work you've repeatedly
volunteered to do Kevin. They augment it with direct, first hand
experience, and they provide a way to get information submitted *and
accessible* before the "official" documentation can incorporate the
I would not want to read "documentation" on a tool that contained all
the information I would hope to find on a Wiki - it wouldn't be very
usable at all. Conversely, I'd be pissed off if a Wiki was the only
place to find any documentation at all. So I think there is a role for
both things.
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