Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Re: Exact desicption of PCM system for ALSA
From: Alexander Ehlert (
Date: Fri Jul 12 2002 - 16:42:13 EEST
Hi Paul,
> encoding, the value (generally) varies between -(2^N) and (2^N)-1,
> where N is the number of bits used to store the value. So a 16 bit
> value will vary between -65536 and 65535. there are other ways of
Errr, I think you meant "... between -(2^(N-1)) and 2^(N-1)-1 ... "
So you get a range between -32768 and 32767 for 16 bit signed
or between 0 and 65536 for unsigned 16bit.
Cheers, Alex
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