Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] LADSPA Defaults via RDF
From: Steve Harris (
Date: Fri Jul 19 2002 - 11:40:10 EEST
On Fri, Jul 19, 2002 at 11:56:02 +1000, Conrad Parker wrote:
> sure, this would only be for author-defined defaults, which would
> assumedly be minimal and available through getDefault(), and thus
> implicitly available on any architecture the plugin is available on.
Well, I'm currently planning to support LADSPA 1.1-pre-n style defaults
anyway. People who object can ignore them. People who object to angle
brackets can use them.
> > OTOH, I am starting to think that the live format should be a GDBM file
> > (or TDM, I assume its similar), and RDF/XML should just be used for
> > import/export. This adds an extra layer around the settings, but might be
> > generally better.
> cool
Yes ;) NB. this wont be for a while, the first versions will use preloaded
RDF structures for simplicitity. If it takes off I can worry about this
kind of thing. Its really pretty damn efficient anyway.
- Steve
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