Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] UST
From: Andy W. Schm (
Date: Wed Jul 24 2002 - 03:31:18 EEST
> i read this a year or two ago. it was a major impetus in the design of JACK,
> because i believe that almost all of it is based on a complete misconception
> of how to do this stuff, and some of it is just plain wrong. Its worth
> noting that SGI's "DM" API has never really taken off, and there are lots of
> reasons why, some technical, some
> political.
I was under the impression that SGI had a pretty good grasp on how to do RT
systems... (
> SGI tried to solve the problem of the Unix read/write API mismatch with
> realtime streaming media by adding timestamps to data. CoreAudio solves it
> by getting rid of read/write, and acknowledging the inherent time-basis of
> the whole thing, but for some reason keeps timestamps around without using
> them in many cases. JACK follows CoreAudio's
> lead, but gets rid of the timestamps.
Timestamps are needed in hard-realtime and parallel-computing systems,
something that SGI most certainly has experience with, but is just does not
apply to typical linux workstations. ... hopefully someday it will.
--- Andrew W. Schmeder
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