Subject: [linux-audio-dev] why is no-one responding are you all just a bunch of &*^%&^%^& wits???
From: Allan Klinbail (
Date: Wed Feb 12 2003 - 15:23:44 EET
Hi Guys
This is quite a disturbing message..
nearly 2 weeks ago Paul Davis marked one of my messages as something
"seriously wrong" going on .. when libraries were compiling as dynamic
not static...
since then I have responded with full outputs of what is happening.
In response I sent full output of what was going on .. tried to sort it
out by myself and sent further results..
Okay some of it was too big to get to the list immediately pending "list
moderator" acceptance.. and then some of it just purely didn't get
responded to.
I have done everything I have asked of me from the list, including
Paul's responses ..and also taken my own initiatives following lack of
response and still have recieved no response.
Sure I am not a coder just a potential professional user.. but that
really shouldn't be an issue...
Okay some individuals responded to some of my initial questions, and
thankyou to the two of them.. however noone has responded to further
enquiries, after acting on the responses I did get..
Is it because I feigned mild support to Steinberg having (while
unreleased) versions of their software for Linux?? Or is it because I'm
obviously not a coder?? Is it simply because I used the wrong subject
This disgusts me as about 2 years ago when I said I was going to give up
on Linux to the LAD lists a massive response came about saying I should
keep going and my opinions (not even problems relating to software
directly) were valued and necessary. Now when I have real problems
compiling something, contained with as much information I could forward
were included it seems it is irrelevant and no-one seems willing to
respond at all (let alone Paul) .. Other compile and/or configure
problems have been responded too earlier than mine (at all really as my
last few posts have not received any reply) even though I acted upon
all requests made of me.
I am active in all lists that I am involved in with any replies that I
may have a potential answer to and have been promoting this OS and in
particular the potential of Ardour to many fellow professionals in the
industry. I also have rad and learnt as much as I could to give
qualitative feedback to any problems I incur.
All I seek is the ability to use open source software in preference to
rip-off commercial apps. Yes, I admit there is potential for both to
exist on this platform and would use some commerical apps to aide in
crossover but that is not the point of this (ardour-dev) list.
It would seem only the MusE list responds to anything I send, and only a
few particular individuals at that.
Aside from being upset, it appears to me that you guys are all a bunch
of hypocrites.. Asking for further information, and clarification but
never actually responding, while I do everything that I can possibly
thing\k of in aiding you answer my questions.. yet continue to be
ignored... It does not seem to be a coincidence that all response ended
after my response to the string "ahem".
So I've wasted 2+ years of my life and countless dollars continuing down
this path.
Yes this is an emotional response as it seems like my friends advised me
I should have just bought a Mac ,, inferior latency aside.. at least the
support groups there (even those non-funded as this list) genuinely
My only problem is , where do I go from here?? This really saddens me as
I thought this (Linux) was the future. It seems it is only a future for
the GPL elite.
extremely pissed off
Allan Klinbail
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