Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Novice Question: Which is the best BUFFER lenght to OSS driver
From: Alessandro Vivas Andrade (
Date: Wed Feb 26 2003 - 01:36:57 EET
Paul Davis wrote:
> >I'm working with OSS and I would like to know which is the best lenght
> >to OSS driver.
> the one spelt "ALSA". :)))
> seriously, we can't answer that question without knowing more about
> what you are trying to do. it would probably help to explain why you
> are using OSS as well.
> --p
Paul Davis,
thanks for your message. Im working with acquisition of voice frames to
send in Internet network. It's a VOIP system under Linux. In my system I
didn't use any kind of special hardware (like
VOVIDA to colect the sound of microphone, just the
soundcards like Soundblaster.
When I read the frames of voice of device /dev/audio I use the buffer
lenght of 4096 like the OSS Guide
talks. I'm very confused to discover which is the best packet lenght to
send across the Internet. I read the paper of David Minoli but sincerily
didn help.
Now I'm only working with ADPCM codec but in the future I want to study
GSM and other codecs to implement QoS Dynamic in the endpoints. The
question is which is the best soundcard Buffer to use with
ADPCM codec to send across the Internet.
Alessandro Vivas Andrade
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