Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Software with source code?
From: Steve Harris (
Date: Tue Feb 03 2004 - 12:09:50 EET
On Mon, Feb 02, 2004 at 06:55:10 -0600, Jack O'Quin wrote:
> Dave Robillard <> writes:
> > One suggestion: I think it'd be useful to list what interfaces the app
> > supports, I know at least for me if it doesn't use jack it's basically
> > useless (and I'd rather find this out before downloading the whole
> > thing!)
> The audio distributions (such as CCRMA and AGNULA) do this already for
> tracking package dependencies. It's a big job keeping all that up to
> date. Perhaps a web-friendly interface for that information would be
> more useful than a separate attempt to keep track of it all.
The nacent linux audio apps site could do this as well (freshmeat does
*cough* appA depends-on appB . :)
- Steve
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