Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Re: Modular Jack patch bay
From: Juhana Sadeharju (
Date: Thu Feb 05 2004 - 22:42:59 EET
>From: Dave Robillard <>
>This is what LADCCA is for really.. session management is well out of
>the domain of a patch bay, IMO
So what is the purpose of Patchbay?
Users launch applications from a shell and then uses Patchbay for
connecting the applications?
That would mean a lot of manual connection work each time.
A few weeks ago I tested a midi keyboard with Fluidsynth.
Each time I changed the sample file in the shell, I had to
reconnect the thing. Very annoying.
I could not see a screenshot of the LADCCA? Does it provide
what I suggested? Is the case that either we should add the requested
features to Patchbay or add GUI to LADCCA? If both are out of question,
we need yet another application.
>This doesn't have anything to do with the patch bay, but anyone who
>implements a reverb like this should be taken out back and shot
>regardless. ;) This is definately LADSPA-domain.
I tried LADSPA already. :-(
>> Inserted Patchbay files may need null nodes. If multiple modules
>> needs the same input, then with the null node the inputs can be
>> combined.
>Jack allows multiple connections.
Yes, but how user would know what connections to make?
The reverb was just one example figured out in frustation,
but maybe people would like to provide such connections
for other applications? A synth application followed by effect
LADSPA requires a host. If one places multiple effects to the
path, then the host must support multiple effects and their easy
control. Too complicated. Jack + multiple simple LADSPA hosts would
work better -- if there would be some way to easily control the Jack
Now I would like to have a completely graphical control application,
such as Patchbay.
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